Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Apologies for the long hiatus! While we were camped out in the woods of Wellston, our phones both died and we were unable to capture the magic of the weekend. Needless to say, it was an awesome three days of music and new friends. We arrived in Traverse City yesterday afternoon and spent today getting our affairs in order for tomorrow's flight home. Hal cut his fingernails and sat in the hotel sauna for an hour. Here Mike has his first beard trimmed in anticipation of the requisite facial hair associated with advanced degrees from such prestigious institutions as Stanford University. He says that if he pursues a doctorate he may consider moving to a goatee.

Thank you so much to all those who supported our exciting journey -- we look forward to seeing you soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A mere eight miles from the coast of Lake Michigan, Mike ran over an unidentified object that burst both his tube and tire. Having never repaired a flat tire before (only a tube), it was a bit of a challenge. He and Hal stopped in a shaded lawn and Mike set out to fix the damage while Hal promptly fell asleep in the grass nearby. Eventually the task proved too onerous for one man and he was forced to wake Hal up so that they could force the tire on together. After lots of sweat and cursing they were successful, and here Mike stands, triumphant, ready for their final approach to the water. Hoxeyville tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cops and Doughnuts

Stopped at a famous bakery called Cops and Doughnuts in Clare. Apparently when the bakery was going out of business the police force took control and saved the place. Some great tshirts read: "Handcuffs and Creampuffs" and "Dont glaze me bro"

In Reed City for the night after breaking 500 miles today!

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After 452 miles we finally made it!...back to Coleman. And even though Breland and Tempro weren't there to show us their new beats and mash-ups, we did find a nice lady to take our picture!

84 miles to Midland

Our longest day yet ended in Midland- a small town with a fancy hotel and the hq of Dow Chemicals.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The road from Silverwood to Caro

Is full of turns. Hal checks the map on our 30 mile pre-breakfast ride.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Dinner in North Branch

Lady at grocery store: "People are crazy around here."
Me: "Yeah, but they are crazy everywhere."
Her: "No, they are crazier here...be careful out there." 

After a tough Day 5 Hal sits down to make a campground delicacy: Tuna with mustard on english muffin. 

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